

What it Means to Me to be an American

As we celebrate America’s birthday and reflect on what it means to be an American, I want to share my perspective as a naturalized American citizen who grew up in divided Germany dominated by a…

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American Cancer Society Honors Outstanding Volunteers with the St. George National Award

Award recognizes 23 volunteers across the country for their distinguished service Atlanta, GA – July 20, 2017 – The American Cancer Society awarded 23 inspirational individuals from across the country the St. George National Award, one…

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The International Diplomacy of Soap and a Beer

Despite being a global business consultant I have only shared this story with a few close friends before. My father was born in 1936 in a German town called Kassel, northeast of Frankfurt. The oldest…

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So…What Is It Like Getting On A Plane These Days?

I just went through my calendar for January. 14 flights. Pretty normal for that time of year, given that I regularly travel to attend board meetings or visit clients. Then February. 9 flights. The Coronavirus…

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Observations, Lessons and Potential Inspiration from this Crisis

As we all try to make sense of how this global health crisis has impacted our personal and business relationships, several observations stand out to me. Observations Countries where citizens have always been good at…

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5 Big Differences Between Germans and Americans

This is my 29th year living and working in the United States after immigrating from Germany in 1991. While developing international business strategy over the years I have come across many differences between Germans and Americans. Some…

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Global Leadership: How President Biden Would Perform on the World Stage

As I have traveled the world over the past three years since Donald J. Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States of America, I have stared into the disbelieving and disillusioned…

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5 Little Known Apps That Make Our Lives So Much Easier

Over the Thanksgiving Holiday I sat down and reflected on all the little (and big) digital tools that I use each and every day that have made my life so much easier. As I started…

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How To Build Bridges Even When You Disagree 100%

Growing up in Germany, I remember my Dad subscribing to a weekly magazine that largely represented political views different from our own. When I asked him about this, he responded “I like to know how…

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Berlin, 25 Years Ago: “Turn on the TV, Any Channel!”

Twenty-five years ago, I was 19 years old and living in what was then West Berlin. In my last year of German high school, I often worked as a security guard at night to earn…

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Is There a Doctor in the … Middle of Nowhere?

For many years I have had a close-up view of an industry that most people know nothing about until a tragic incident occurs. Picture yourself on that vacation of a lifetime – an African Safari,…

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“Fall of the Berlin Wall” in Hong Kong?

What does a Berliner who lives in the United States do in Hong Kong? He talks about his experience almost 25 years ago when the Berlin Wall came tumbling down! 2014 is a year of…

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