

Cash Bribe Paid Over Handshake The Impact of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act on Corporate Boards

“Tone at the top” now includes ensuring business dealings are ethical and bribe-free.  The impact of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) on corporations and their boards of directors has been enormous and wide-ranging, and…

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Do Not Make This Mistake When Doing Business Overseas

I remember the email well, although this was more than 15 years ago. Working as a global business advisor, it came from a potential business partner in mainland China and it started out promising. “Planning…

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Do You Have Good Business Sense?

Business acumen. Business sense. Business savvy. It is an instinctive trait and also a skill developed over time through seasoned judgement gained by learning from mistakes and capitalizing on successes. I was enjoying a walk…

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A Year and a Half Later, VW Board Still Stuck in Low Gear

For corporate directors, Volkswagen AG’s “Dieselgate” is a textbook case of how a lack of effective corporate governance has led to worldwide criminal investigations and a loss of public confidence. Corporate directors and millions of…

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How Digital Technology Is Transforming Health Care – Finally

In 2013, American technology magnate Michael Dell said that “mobile will figure out health care … before health care figures out mobile.” Initially, he was right, but during the past year the healthcare industry has…

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Why the VW Board Appears Stuck in Low Gear

Volkswagen AG (VW), with annual revenues of $244 billion in 2014 and some 600,000 employees worldwide, now stands accused of systematically circumventing and violating environmental safety rules and regulations the world over, possibly for years….

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5 Terrible Assumptions That Can Sink Your Business When You Expand Overseas

If you are an executive at a successful company, then you have probably expanded into new locations within your country numerous times. Each new location required you to confront local red tape and consumer sentiment,…

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The Difference Between Good Corporate Governance and Bad

I immigrated to the United States from Germany almost 25 years ago, so I may be a little biased when I proclaim that United States democracy (despite all its pitfalls) truly does offer the world…

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Take a Peek inside the Office of a Non Executive Director

If you have always wanted to take a peek inside the office of a top non executive director, then Delta flight 676 to Tampa might be your ticket. Or United flight 415 to San Francisco….

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Translating Corporate Culture Across Borders

“Translating Corporate Culture Across Borders” is a favorite subject of mine. I very much enjoy speaking about what I believe corporations need to be mindful of when they expand their operations overseas or when they…

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Do-It-For-Me Rather Than Do-It-Yourself … and a Number No One Will Call!

Ever looked for the 4th floor of a hotel in China? You will be looking for a long time… This week I had the opportunity to speak at the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD)…

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